About this Specialization
This specialization focuses on key finance concepts of the value creation vision of any firm, including closely held and family businesses. You will gain an understanding of how risk-return criteria change the performance measurement of a company itself and help to assess different financial instruments in financial markets that might be used for financing to capture growth opportunities. It gives you the tools to address the value-creation effects of business decisions in any sector. You’ll also unlock a new vision on how different motives behind the executive team and board decisions can impact corporate performance. We involve experts from large employers, such as PWC, Russian Agricultural Bank, Moscow Exchange, Boston Consulting Group, and IBS consulting into delivering particular topics and share their expertise in applying value creation thinking to real-life decisions.
You will master your skills by working with real data projects which involve the application of models for asset pricing and value drivers analytics. You will also gain hands-on experience in applying
financial ratios to analyze real-world companies, and their life cycle stage and compare accounting-based performance versus value-based.
Высотская Анна Борисовна
Школа финансов: Доцент
Малышев Павел Юрьевич
Школа финансов: Доцент
Cost and Conditions
21 000 ₽
Full access to the learning materials + Graduation document
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