About the Course
This course will provide students with knowledge on the formation and adoption of the international financial reporting standards, their basic concepts, and the requirements for the preparation and content of the financial statements used in the international practice. It will also prepare them for practical issues on financial reporting.
Course Objectives
Students will get an understanding of the basic rules for financial reporting, which exist and are used globally nowadays
The course reviews the basic standards of financial reporting
The course gives knowledge on how to recognize the underlying concepts and principles of IFRS
The learner will be able

1. To record transactions and events

2. To prepare and analyze financial statements

3. To analyze and understand the statement of cash flows

4. To get the basics of accounting
Course Syllabus
Week 1. The Conceptual and Regulatory Framework for Financial Reporting
Week 2. An Overview of The Standards: Accounting for Assets and Financial Instruments
Week 3. Recording Transactions and Events
Week 4. How to Prepare Financial Statements
Week 5. Cash Flows: Introduction and Basic Definitions
Week 6.How to Analyze and Interpret the Financial Statements
Высотская Анна Борисовна
Школа финансов: Доцент
Learning Activities
Low-Stakes Assignments
Cost and Conditions
21 000 ₽
Full access to the learning materials + Graduation document
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