Creating a personalized learning environment in the classroom

This online course provides an overview of current pedagogical, psychological and philosophical theories and approaches, accompanied by a large practical block on the design of a personalized learning environment in the classroom.

  • Massive Open Online Course
  • Flexible terms
  • 6 weeks (2 credits)
  • Time to completion: 24 hours
  • Online
  • Certificate
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About the Course

The broad goal of this course is to spread relevant pedagogical solutions to a wide range of teachers. An important element of the course is the practical block, providing clearly presented recommendations and guidelines for creating a personalized learning environment in the classroom, including tools and techniques to provide individualized instruction.

Changes in professional style do not occur revolutionarily, it is an evolutionary process. Each week students would be given lectures, readings and practical tasks to redesign their lesson plans to make them more personalized and student-friendly. Each lesson gives an opportunity to implement methods in their daily teaching routine or to redesign the whole teaching process.

Course Objectives


The course spreads relevant pedagogical solutions to a wide range of teachers


The discipline provides guidelines for creating a personalized learning environment in the classroom, including tools and techniques to provide individualized instruction


Corse materials help identify teacher’s and learner's perspectives in education by deconstructing the elements of a learning-centered syllabus

Learning Outcomes

1. Learners will rethink and redesign their teaching approaches through the lens of personalized learning

2. Learners will understand the theoretical principles of student-oriented curriculum design (constructivism, connectivism, information-age education, personalized learning, universal design for learning)

3. Students will know several instructional strategies (active learning, group-based, assessment-based, and organizational instructional strategies)

4. Listeners will manage how to increase the learner’s feeling of autonomy in the learning environment


This distance course is for:
– Students of pedagogical education programs (Bachelor's degree, Master's degree)
– Middle and High School Teachers
– University Educators
– Tutors and instructors in social and educational enterprises
– Tutors

Graduation Document

Документ об окончании

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