Introduction to Multilingual and Multicultural Education

This course designed at HSE University gives insights into the importance of multilingual learning in the linguistically and culturally diverse world. It is based on recent studies and case discussions

  • Massive Open Online Course
  • Flexible Terms
  • 9 weeks (3 credits)
  • 10 hours
  • Online Course
  • Certificate
Apply for a course

About the Course

Several important questions are tackled during the course:

  • At what age should children begin to learn a second language?
  • Do bilingual and multilingual children show better performance at school?
  • How to distinguish between favorable and unfavorable language and education policies?
  • How are multilingual and/or multicultural classes different from usual ones and what obstacles do teachers and students have to deal with?
  • How can institutions enhance multicultural and multilingual education process?

The topic is of great interest now as globalization has an impact on different areas of our lives, and it can bring benefits, especially to those who are flexible or try to improve/alter their career

Цели курса


Assess and apply different teaching methods used in multilingual and multicultural classrooms


Assess different language approaches and organizational tactics employed in multilingual learning environment


Gain deeper understanding of the demands pupils have in a multilingual/multicultural classroom and learn how to work with immigrant students or those who have a minority language as L1

Learning Outcomes

1. Critically evaluate various teaching practices in multilingual and multicultural settings

2. Obtain essential skills to deal with immigrant students

3. Critically evaluate various language policies and planning programmes implemented in multilingual education settings

4. Obtain valuable insights to better understand the learning needs of students in a multilingual or multicultural classroom

5. Apply the knowledge you will have gained in this course, in multilingual or multicultural classrooms

Course Syllabus

Week 1. Multilingual & multicultural education: introduction, historical development, concepts, dimensions

Week 2. Diversity and education: culture and language in a global world

Week 3. Multilingual & multicultural education for young children

Week 4. Policy and Planning in multilingual & multicultural education

Week 5. The teacher and the student in multilingual & multicultural education

Week 6. Practice in multilingual & multicultural learning space

Week 7. The education of ethnic and cultural minority groups

Week 8. Opportunities, challenges and paradigms in multilingual & multicultural education

Week 9. Conclusion

Зубалов Денис Юрьевич

Школа филологических наук: доцент


  • teachers
  • students specializing in education/language and linguistics
  • researchers in language/education policy
  • those who want to grasp the multilingual approach

Graduation Document

После успешного освоения материалов курса выдается сертификат установленного НИУ ВШЭ образца



Learning Activities



Low-Stakes Assignments


High-Stakes Assignments

Final quiz

Cost and Conditions

4 500 ₽

Full access to the learning materials + Graduation document

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