About the Course
The course includes economic modeling, game theory, numerous real life examples and several case studies. We explore interesting topics of market organization such as negotiations, antitrust, networks, platforms, electronic markets, intellectual property, business strategies, predation, entry deterrence and many others
Course Objectives
Understand the structure of markets and the nature of strategic competition
Enrich understanding of the institutional framework of business
Improve analytical ability in negotiations
Learning Outcomes
1. Analyze markets from the perspective of the economic theory
2. Analyze markets from the applied business perspective
3. Analyze markets from the institutional and legal perspective
Программа обучения
Week 1. The firm
Week 2. Game theory foundations
Week 3. Static competition
Week 4. Dynamic competition
Week 5. Deterrence and predation
Week 6. Price discrimination
Week 7. Product differentiation
Week 8. Vertical relations
Week 9. Networks and platforms
Week 10. Intellectual property
Международный институт экономики и финансов: приглашенный преподаватель
Learning Activities
Low-Stakes Assignments
Costs and Conditions
4 500 ₽
Full access to the learning materials + Graduation document
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