About the specialization
This specialization gives an introduction to reinforcement learning, natural language understanding, computer vision. Upon completion of 4 courses you will be able to apply modern machine learning methods in enterprise and understand the caveats of real-world data and settings
Learning Outcomes
You will be able to use modern deep neural networks to solve various machine learning problems with complex input and develop new algorithms for new problems
You will know how Variational Autoencoders work
You will be able to implement the best practices of data mining, preprocessing and feature engineering
Лобачева Екатерина Максимовна
Департамент больших данных и информационного поиска: Преподаватель
Потапенко Анна Александровна
Аспирант Базовой кафедры Яндекс
Зобнин Алексей Игоревич
Доцент Базовой кафедры Яндекс
Швечиков Павел Дмитриевич
Департамент больших данных и информационного поиска: Приглашенный преподаватель
Alexander Panin
HSE Faculty of Computer Science: Lecturer
Nikita Kazeev
HSE Faculty of Computer Science: Researcher
Anna Kozlova
Yandex: Team Lead
Sergey Yudin
Yandex: Analyst-developer
Anton Konushin
HSE Faculty of Computer Science: Senior Lecturer
Alexey Artemov
HSE Faculty of Computer Science: Senior Lecturer
Cost and Conditions
16 000 ₽
Full access to the learning materials + Graduation document
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