Introduction to Contemporary geopolitics

Geopolitics is all around us, it happens every day. The course shows the connection between geography and international relations, the origins of geopolitical concepts and ideas, how countries view the world around them, why their views are different, and how space and distance determine economic ties and security concerns. Students, employees of public and private companies involved in international activity, as well as simply curious people, can find this course basic, but interesting and useful

  • Massive Open Online Course
  • Flexible terms
  • 9 weeks (3 credits)
  • Time to completion: 32 hours
  • Online
  • Certificate
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About the Course

This course introduces geopolitics – one of the ways to interpret and explain international relations in the modern world. To do this, you will study the origins of this discipline, as well as its concepts that determined foreign policy decisions in the XX century. After that, we will look at the most recent versions of geopolitics and how some of them can be used for critical analysis.

The main goal of the course is to understand the geopolitical approach to international relations and learn how to use it to explain and predict events taking place at the regional or global level. This includes studying theories, using them for case studies, and passing tests to assess knowledge and correct understanding of the geopolitical approach.

The course has no prerequisites, though it is desirable that the listeners have an interest in international politics, and know the world map well and the changes that took place there in the XX century. The course "Political Geography and the Modern World", which is held at the HSE before studying Modern Geopolitics and which was created to prepare students for the study of theories of international relations, can help you with this

Course Objectives


The course gives a historic overview of geopolitical concepts and their role in some international events of the XX century


You will learn about modern geopolitical theories and their features


Evaluate how geopolitics may be distinguished from international relations

The learner will be able

1. Сritically analyze geopoliticals

2. To apply theories to contemporary international politics

3. To explain the world geopolitically and how geopolitical knowledge shapes the world itself

4. To apply the major geopolitical formulations covered in the course to the subsequent study of international relations

Course Syllabus

Week 1. The Birth of Geopolitics

Week 2. The Beginning of the Cold War Geopolitics

Week 3. World Politics After the Cold War Ended

Week 4. One More Thing about Geopolitics

Week 5. The Key Players in Contemporary Geopolitics

Week 6. History and Geography of the United States

Week 7. History and Geography of Russia

Week 8. History and Geography of China

Week 9. Geopolitics and its Value


Скриба Андрей Сергеевич
Департамент международных отношений: Доцент


The course is for:

  • Those who are interested in international relations
  • Students in Politics, Regional Studies and Social Sciences
  • Those who want to find links and causalities between geography and international politics
  • Students who like history and who want to know the nature of major international events in the XX century
  • Those who prefer an online format and a quick and basic explanation of international processes
  • For everyone who wants to know about the world around us

Graduation Document

Earn a Certificate upon completion


Learning Activities



Low-Stakes Assignments


High-Stakes Assignments

Final project

Costs and Conditions

4 500 ₽

Full access to the learning materials + Graduation document

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